3 digit addition games with / without regrouping
Play our interactive 3 digit addition games online. You can choose between 3 digit addition without regrouping games and 3 digit addition with regrouping games online. Learn column addition of 3 digit numbers online. 3 digit addition online games. Download free printable 3 digit addition worksheets PDF. Enjoy our 3 digit addition interactive games. Practice three digit addition with regrouping and three digit addition without regrouping. Play these three digit addition online games in the classroom or at home for extra practice of adding 3 digit numbers.
Drag the digits on the left side into the correct positions.
You can choose between 3 digit addition without regrouping games and 3 digit addition with regrouping games by clicking the blue button No regrouping/Regrouping.
3 digit addition games online

Learn 3 digit addition with regrouping and 3 digit addition without regrouping: use the digits on the left side to complete the three digit addition task on the right side. Drag each digit into the correct empty box. Check the result of 3 digit addition game.
3 digit addition games
Start to solve three digit addition problem from the right column. Add those 2 prefilled numbers and move the correct digit from the left side as you see on the picture.
Then think logically and try different combinations to get the correct result of addition of 3 digit numbers.

You can play as many 3 digit addition games online as you want, they are generated automatically.
Free printable 3 digit addition worksheets PDF
I have included in these 3 digit addition worksheets both with regrouping and without regrouping pages with answer keys. Generate free printable three digit addition worksheets in PDF below. You can find more addition worksheets here.
3 digit addition with regrouping online games
Before children start to learn three digit addition, they need perfectly to master 2 digit addition using the column method.
Adding 3 digit numbers game
When children learn to add 3 digit numbers, they can start by 3 digit addition without regrouping and continue to 3 digit addition with regrouping online games. Learn how to solve three digit addition with regrouping in this video on YouTube.
3 digit addition online games
Here are some other interactive 3 digit addition online games for 3rd graders which you can play in the classroom or at home for extra practice of addition of 3 digit numbers.
Number bonds to 1000
Play interactive number bonds games. Practice addition of 3 digit numbers.
Addition 3 digit numbers
You can choose between 2 options: 3 digit addition without regrouping games and 3 digit addition with regrouping online games. Just click the blue button No regrouping/Regrouping:
3 digit addition without regrouping games online
Click on the blue button No regrouping and play 3 digit addition without regrouping games online. 3 digit addition without regrouping means that the digits add up to a number that is 9 or less. The sum can be written below each place value column.
3 digit addition with regrouping games online
Click on the blue button Regrouping and play 3 digit addition with regrouping online games. 3 digit addition with regrouping is when the sum of the digits in one column is more than 9, we have to carry forward the number to the left column: regrouping forward occurs from the ones column to the tens column or from the tens column to hundreds column.
3 digit addition with regrouping games online
What is addition with regrouping?
Regrouping is referred to as the “carrying forward” in addition problems and “borrowing” in subtraction.
In math, regrouping can be defined as the process of making groups of tens when carrying out operations like addition and subtraction with two-digit numbers or larger.
We use regrouping in addition problems when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine.
Addition Games
2nd Grade Math Games
3rd Grade Math Games