Math crossword puzzles
Our free math crossword puzzles are a fun and educational activity where you solve math problems to complete a grid, just like a regular crossword puzzle, but instead of using words, you fill in the boxes with numbers! These online math crosswords involve addition nad subtraction facts. Solve each math problem to find the correct number that fits in the math crossword puzzle. Write the numbers in the blank boxes to complete the math crossword. Yoy can solve these math crossword puzzles online or you can download math crosswords in PDF incl. answers.
Fill in the blanks so that each equation is correct in the math crossword puzzle.
How to solve math crossword puzzles online?

First, look for an operation that you can finish. With the number found you can solve another operation. Continue to do this until all exercises are solved and the number crossword puzzle is completed. You can choose the maximum value: 20, 30, 50 or 100.
In math crossword puzzles, each equation should be solved from left to right and from top to bottom. If you are not sure how to solve crossword math puzzles correctly, press "Check it" for the first game and you will see the answer key.
Cross math ONLINE
Fill in all missing numbers so the operations are correct. Play math crossword puzzles online, check results, find mistakes and play again. Do you want to try more difficult math crosswords? Then play these online games.
Free printable math crossword puzzles in PDF
You can generate addition and subtraction crosswords in PDF: just click the picture below and download free printable math crossword puzzles with answers in PDF. Check more free math worksheets here.
100 crossword math puzzles
Download printable crossword maths puzzles in PDF.
Help your kids to learn addition and subtraction easily. Make math more enjoyable with these awesome math crosswords with answers. Students correct their errors by themselves.
Why to play number crossword puzzles online?
Math crossword puzzle game is a nice way how to practice addition to 20 and subtraction up to 20 at the same time.
Press "Check it" to find out if the number crossword puzzle is filled in correctly. The correct results will be green, wrong answers will be red. Press the button "New game" and the new online math crossword puzzle will be generated.

Math crossword puzzles maker
I developed this math crossword puzzles generator in spring 2020 when we were hit by C@vid 19 and my kids stayed at home for homeschooling.
My younger son liked math crosswords puzzles very much but but there were only a few worksheets available on the internet. Another problem was, that we didn´t have a printer at home.
I told myself: "It would be nice to have something like unlimited live worksheets, which you can solve online and you will see the right answer immediately."
In that time I didn´t have any knowledge of javascript but I learned what was necessary to develop free math crossword puzzles which can be solved online. Enjoy these free math crosswords as we do!
Cross math puzzle ONLINE
You can set up your own difficulty level in this crossmath puzzle. From addition and subtraction to 20 to more advanced 2 digit addition and 2 digit subtraction.
When students are familiar with math operations to 100, they can practice these skills by playing magic square puzzles.
Online math crossword puzzles for kids
To learn math online is fun. These math crosswords these puzzles are the perfect preparation for solving equations and more complex math problems: for example these math matchstick puzzles.
Thousands of new free math crossword puzzles for kids can be generated in the online math crossword puzzles maker. You don´t need to print any worksheet and you see immediately, where you made mistakes.
Crossword maths puzzles
Addition and subtraction crossword puzzles are super helpful for kids, because they learn math easily when they control their own learning. Read more about it in Psychology Today.
Cross math ONLINE
You can play this cross math game online and save our trees. You need only internet connection to solve this cross math game. Watch this YouTube video how to solve math crosswords with numbers.
Cross math game online
Our cross math puzzles for kids are a type of educational activity that combines the principles of traditional crossword puzzles with mathematical concepts.
Instead of using words, these crossword maths puzzles use mathematical equations, operations, and numerical answers to fill in the grid.
Just like traditional crosswords, the goal is to fill in the maths crosswords with the correct numbers that satisfy both the across and down clues.
1st Grade Math 2nd Grade Math Math Online Puzzles Addition Games Subtraction Games