Number matching game
Play number matching game ONLINE free. Number match ONLINE games. Get number matching game printable free. free matching games online. Download number matching worksheets. Play free matching number games online. Count and match 1 to 10. Download printable number matching game PDF. math matching game printable. number match game. Play matching numbers game online free. number match game online free. Count and match the number WORKSHEETS. number match online free. Match numbers 1 to 10. Number matching activity. Match the numbers with pictures. Matching number puzzles. Online number matching games. matching numbers to objects. free printable matching games. number match puzzle game.
Count and match the number: click on 2 tiles so that they contain the same result.
Number match ONLINE games

Half of the tiles contain numbers and the other half contain pictures (objects).
Children are looking for pairs: they should count pictures and match the numbers which represents the quantity of pictures. So, count the objects and match with the correct number.
When the children manage to find a pair of tiles that belong together, the tiles disappear. When kids click on 2 tiles which don´t match, the tiles will flash red.
Did you click on a tile by mistake? It doesn't matter, click it again, the tile will be white again.
Continue to play number matching game online until all tiles disappear. Then press the button "New game" and a new matching numbers game will be created.

Matching numbers game online free
At the end of the matching numbers game, a reward awaits the children: they reveal a cute picture.
By matching numbers to objects, kids learn to associate each number with a specific quantity, which can help them learn to count. To improve counting skills play these online counting games.
Number matching game printable FREE
These free matching games complement well with these printable number matching game for preschoolers. Kids have to count and match 1 to 20. Click the picture bellow and generate free printable number matching games in PDF. For now, more 70 pictures are available:
Number matching printables are suitable for an use in the classroom or at home. Everytime 12 new different numbers and objects are generated and create a new image. Every child in the classroom can have own number matching worksheet.
Cut out the squares with numbers and have your kids match the numeral to their corresponding dots. Kids enjoy to reveal the picture. Practise count and match 1 to 20 in this beautifully illustrated resource. Browse similar printable math games in PDF here.
Number matching worksheets 1-20 in PDF
Generate an infinite amount of free printable number matching worksheets. Kids should count objects and match with the correct number. These preschool number matching worksheets are available in 3 versions: number matching worksheets 1-5, number matching worksheets 1-10 and number matching worksheets 1-20. Everytime a new count and match worksheet is generated:
Match numbers worksheet
Matching numbers worksheets are perfect for kids in kindergarten. Kids should count and match the number wich corresponds to the number of objects. You can find even more math worksheets for kindergarten here.
The ability to match numbers to objects (or symbols) is an important process to train in young kids, and number matching activities such as these can help to improve their problem solving and memory skills too.
Matching number games for preschoolers
Matching numbers games improve number recognition skills. Matching numeral to quantity is an important number sense skill and this online number matching game is a great way to engage children.
Number match ONLINE free
This matching number game could be a fun way for your kids to practise their numbers after school. You can play number matching game online or you can download printable matching numbers games in PDF. All kids need to do is match the number card to the picture showing the same amount of objects.
Number matching game ONLINE
Number match ONLINE games are great for kids who are learning about math concepts that are related to each other. You can play these number matching games online or you can download matching numbers worksheets in PDF.
Matching numbers with pictures
Number matching games can be a fun and engaging way for kids to learn and practice important math skills.
For example, matching up written numbers (1, 2, 3, ...) with representations of those numbers (one sun, two flowers, three apples etc.) enhances the idea that given numbers are associated with different amounts of objects in children's minds. To help children understand the relationship between numbers and the quantities they represent these number flash cards also serve well.
Free number matching games ONLINE
This online number matching game for nursery is a fantastic resource you can use in your maths lessons - cut out the squares and see if your children can fit them into the right places. Our printable matching numbers game is brilliant for learning matching number to quantity and practising number recognition.
Math Games for Kindergarten
Number Sense Games
Counting Games
Math Puzzles